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Wednesday is day of

Wednesday is the day that I work from home, although today is my last one, since I will finish working this Friday.
I have this girl cleaning my house because I  can't do much, plus I prefer to pay someone to help with the cleaning if I can. I think its because I grew up in Brazil where you usually have a live in cleaner (or used to, cause I hear things are changing there.

So I didn't do much today. I did eat chocolate (Please someone make the chocolate go away), cooked dinner in the morning (Before the cleaner came).  I made a mushroom ricotta quiche (Recipe is here) that is delicious (had some for lunch).
and spent the whole afternoon researching about my new little project (its in the oven) and not getting anywhere really cause I am finding challenging to find the suppliers I need in Australia.
I Also did some work, but 2 days before I finish I don't really have so much to do.

Anyway, that's my day. Time to go pick up my son from day care.

Til next time



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